Get ready to trade again
Stuck at home and wondering what will be left of your business at the end of this crisis? Take charge of the situation and work on your marketing to keep your business alive and kicking in the eyes of your customers.
Stuck at home and wondering what will be left of your business at the end of this crisis? Take charge of the situation and work on your marketing to keep your business alive and kicking in the eyes of your customers.
Testimonials and words of praise from genuine customers are incredibly powerful. If you have a website, you should showcase good reviews and testimonials wherever possible as they “prove” the promises you make about good customer service and great products. This article will tell you how to write a great case study.
First impressions count and your business has less than seven seconds to make a good one to potential customers. Every time someone comes into contact with you and your business, they’ll be making a pretty instant decision on whether they want to trust you with their hard-earned cash.
The logo design process isn’t instant and it shouldn’t be rushed. It will take time for you and a good designer to come up with a logo that will work well wherever you use it, including on your website, business stationery, vehicles and sometimes clothing.